
Once More about the National Library of the Czech Republic

Foreign journalist are still interested in the scramble about the National Library of the Czech Republic. A few days ago news server France 24 published article Prague "blob" doomed? (in French Le "Blob" de Prague condamné?). His author Andres Bermudez Lievano asked some illustrators (including me) for attendant pictures. You can also see my blog where I argued for Kaplicky´s Library in wild public discussion in the autumn 2007.


Painted Fairy-tales in Museum of Ghosts

Museum of Ghosts (Pilsen, Czech Republic) hosts Fairy-tale Saturdays. This year children can meet me on this occasion. I will tell and draw in my Painted Fairy-tales performance on January 16, February 20 and March 13. The shows start at 15 p.m.